2025 APCCMPD Board of Directors
Call for Nominations



The Association of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Program Directors (APCCMPD) is now accepting nominations for the volunteer position of Secretary-Treasurer on the Board of Directors (BOD).

The BOD is comprised of five voting members:

  • President
  • President-Elect
  • Vice-President
  • Immediate Past President
  • Secretary-Treasurer

and one non-voting member:

  • Fellow-in-Training

Term: Each BOD member becomes a member of the Board by virtue of being elected. The term of the Secretary-Treasurer is for two years and is eligible for reappointment for up to two additional two-year terms.

Eligibility Criteria for the Position of Secretary-Treasurer

  • Applicants must be a Program Director and maintain full membership status to be elected and serve.
  • Once elected, the Secretary-Treasurer must uphold a role in graduate medical education in a position that does not conflict with the perspectives of a Program Director (Examples of conflicting leadership roles include DIO, Vice Chairs of Educations, Division Chief, or other similar roles). 
  • Applicants should demonstrate a commitment to the goals of the APCCMPD and interest in defining and supporting the education and training of pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine Program Directors, and Fellows.
  • Applicants should be willing to spend up to three hours per month participating in BOD work.  
  • Applicants should be willing to attend the annual APCCMPD leadership events, held in conjunction with CHEST and ATS, the APCCMPD Annual Conference held in the spring of each year, and the strategic planning meeting. Once elected, the APCCMPD will support travel to the strategic planning meeting and APCCMPD Annual Conference.
  • Individuals must have knowledge of budgets, preparation and composition of financial reports, and investment principles.
  • Willingness to work with the Executive Director to ensure that appropriate financial reports are made available to the BOD on a timely basis, present the annual budget to the BOD for approval, and answer BOD questions about the financial reports.
  • It is preferable if applicants have:
    • at least one year of experience serving as a medicine training Program Director.
    • been a member of the APCCMPD for at least one year.
    • regularly attended all APCCMPD face-to-face meetings and educational conferences.
    • previously served as a Past President of the organization.

Nomination Process

1. Call for Nominations

  • In the fall of each election year, a Call for Secretary-Treasurer Nominations will be sent to all active members of the APCCMPD.
  • Program Director members of the APCCMPD may self-nominate or be nominated by any Program Director member of the APCCMPD. 
  • APCCMPD Program Director members who wish to nominate another member Program Director should first obtain the approval of the prospective nominee.
2.  Development of Candidate Slate for Face-to Face Interviews and Member Voting
  • The Nominations Committee, comprised of the APCCMPD BOD and Past Presidents, will develop an alphabetic list of the top qualifiers, based on the eligibility criteria.
  • The top candidates will be invited to participate in a virtual interview with the Nominations Committee  on December 12, 2024 between 3:00 - 4:00 PM Eastern.
  • The Nominations Committee will then develop a ranked ballot of one or more candidate(s), based on the virtual interviews and candidate qualifications to perform the required responsibilities, to present to the membership for member vote.

3. Member Voting

The ballot for member voting will be sent to all APCCMPD Program Director members, via blast email. For the vote to be considered official, a quorum of 25% of the APCCMPD Program Director members must have returned a ballot.
  • The Nominations Committee will develop an alphabetic list of the top qualifiers, based on the eligibility criteria.
  • The top candidates will be invited to participate in a virtual interview with the Nominations Committee on December 12, 2024 between 3:00 - 4:00 PM Eastern.
  • The Nominations Committee will develop a ranked ballot of one or more candidate(s) to present to the membership for member vote, based on the virtual interviews and candidate qualifications to perform the required responsibilities.
  • Nominees who have been included on the ballot for member voting will be notified by email at least one week prior to sending the ballot to the Program Director members for member voting. 

Required Nomination Material to be Submitted for the Position of Secretary-Treasurer

    • History of work as a medicine training Program Director.
    • Prior participation as a Past President on the APCCMPD BOD is preferred.
    • Commitment to the goals of the APCCMPD and interest in defining and supporting the education and training of pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine Program Directors and Fellows.
    • Statement of willingness to participate in all face-to-face meetings and educational conferences each year and to spend up to three hours per month participating in BOD work.
    • Knowledge of budgets, preparation and composition of financial reports, and investment principles.
    • Willingness to work with the Executive Director to ensure that appropriate financial reports are made available to the BOD on a timely basis, present the annual budget to the BOD for approval, review the annual audit, and answer BOD questions about the audit.
    • Statement of Vision for the Future of the APCCMPD as Secretary-Treasurer.
    • Willingness to participate in a virtual interview, if selected, with the Nominations Committee. 

Submit Your Online Nomination



Deadline for Nominations

November 1, 2024

Virtual Interviews

December 12, 2024 (between 3:00 - 4:00 PM Eastern)

Inauguration of New Secretary-Treasurer

March 14, 2025 (at the APCCMPD 2025 Annual Conference in Philadelphia, Pa)

Term Commences

April 1, 2025