2024 APCCMPD Leadership
Call for Nominations

Social Media Committee

NOMINATION DEADLINE: September 16, 2024

The Association of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Program Directors (APCCMPD) is now accepting nominations for volunteer positions on the Social Media Committee (SMC).

Value Statement

The Association of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Program Directors (APCCMPD) serves to provide a vehicle for communication among all Training Program Directors and various organizations which deal with the training of pulmonologists, critical care medicine, and specialists. The Social Media Committee supports the APCCMPD in this effort through the development of novel ways to communicate its activities, developments in Graduate Medical Education that impact fellowship programs, and the scholarship of members.

Committee Charge

The SMC cultivates APCCMPD’s presence through online and interpersonal communications and seeks to develop strategies that encourage membership and partner involvement in APCCMPD’s mission. A primary focus of the SMC is to develop content for APCCMPD’s social media platforms to be promoted to its membership, stakeholders, and the public.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Evaluate APCCMPD current use of social media and member participation/interest in social media.
  • Develop, maintain, and implement a strategy (to include vision, goals and objectives) for APCCMPD’s use of social media and implement that strategy.
  • Research and review other associations’ use of social media for best practices.
  • Curate external social media posts about APCCMPD’s efforts and available content, and current trends in GME relevant to the APCCMPD membership.
  • Review data analytics pertaining to external social media posts and make necessary refinements to future practices, where appropriate.
  • Promote member use of APCCMPD’s social media platforms.
  • Work closely with all committees to keep abreast of upcoming APCCMPD events, programs, member benefits and emerging trends, and leverage social media to communicate these activities.
  • Proactively engage members in the use of social media by posting regular discussion topics.


The SMC, when fully constituted, shall have no fewer than three members-at-large. Each member shall be a current or former Training Program Director, Associate Program Director, serve as Faculty, Program Coordinator, or Fellow within an APCCMPD member program.

Once constituted, vacant seats shall be filled by a nomination process from within the APCCMPD membership. Upon a vacancy, the remaining SMC members will determine which content areas require expertise.

SMC Members: shall serve an initial 1-year term and be eligible for annual reappointment of up to three additional 1-year terms, for a total of four years. SMC members will be notified, in writing, of completion of their service to the committee.  

Chair: The Chair shall serve an initial 1-year term independent from any term served as a member of the committee. The Chair is eligible for reappointment of three additional 1-year terms, for a total of 4-years, pending approval of the BOD. The Chair serves as liaison between the full committee and BOD.

Vice-Chair: The BOD will initially appoint a Vice-Chair. Once convened, the Vice-Chair shall be recommended by the Chair from among SMC members who have served for at least one year. At termination of the Chair’s term, the Vice-Chair shall assume the position of Chair, pending approval of the BOD. In the Chair’s absence, the Vice-Chair will serve as Chair.

Immediate Past Chair: The Immediate Past Chair can serve in an Ex-officio capacity for two years.

Eligibility Criteria for the Position of Social Media Committee Member

  • All applicants must be a current or former Training Program Director, Associate Program Director, serve as Faculty, Program Coordinator, or Fellow within an APCCMPD member program.
  • It is preferred that the SMC nominees possess a good working knowledge of social networking and an awareness of good social networking protocols.

Attendance and Participation Policy

  • SMC meetings will be held, as needed, on a quarterly basis.
  • SMC members will be expected to attend two-thirds of the scheduled SMC teleconferences each year.
  • In the event that an SMC member is unable to participate in a scheduled meeting/ teleconference, they are expected to notify APCCMPD staff prior to the meeting.
  • If an SMC member fails to meet the attendance requirements of the committee, the Chair will contact the member directly to discuss resolutions to satisfy the committee member’s responsibilities. If the Committee member continues to fail to meet the attendance requirements, the member may be asked to step down from the committee. Requesting the committee member to step down is at the discretion of the Committee Chair and Vice-Chair. 

Nomination Process

SMC vacancies shall be filled in the following manner:

  • In each election year, a Call for Social Media Committee Nominations will be sent to all active members of the APCCMPD.
  • The Chair and Vice-Chair shall review all SMC members to ensure they meet the qualifications.
  • The sitting members of the SMC shall vote on the eligible applicants. Those with the highest number of votes shall be selected for nomination. If a tie vote occurs for the last member of the committee, the Chair may cast a deciding vote. Final appointments to the committee will be made by the APCCMPD BOD. 

Required Nomination Material to be Submitted for the Social Media Committee

  • Up-to-date Biosketch or CV
  • Completed Online Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form (view APCCMPD Leadership COI Policy)
  • Statement of Commitment and Purpose describing their:
    • History of work in GME as related to the required qualifications.
    • Commitment to the goals of the APCCMPD.
    • Statement of willingness to participate in all face-to-face meetings and spend up to 1-2 hours/month on committee work. 

Submit Your Online Nomination


Deadline for Nomination Submissions

September 16, 2024
New Appointment Term Begins November 1, 2024