APCCMPD Responds to NRMP- Survey to Sync IM-Subspecialty and Pediatric Match Date
The Council of Pediatric Subspecialties, Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine, Association of Pediatric Program Directors, and the National Resident Matching Program surveyed Subspecialty Match Sponsors to assess Pediatric and Internal Medicine (IM) willingness to move their subspecialty match by 2 weeks in order to develop a combined match for residents pursuing Pediatrics or IM fellowships.
Currently Pediatric and IM subspecialties participate in separate NRMP matches with separate timelines causing difficulties for multiple groups of trainees participating in these matches. Currently, the dates for the Pediatric Specialties Match and the Medical Specialties Matching Program differ by only two weeks, with the ranking deadline for the Pediatrics match falling on the same day as the match day for the IM match. With only a 9-hour time difference between the release of IM results and the rank list deadline for the Pediatrics match, couples with one partner training in IM and the other in Pediatrics have limited time to submit a rank list following the release of match results for their partner, and the partner training in Pediatrics must adjust their program preferences to accommodate their partner's IM match. This lack of a combined Pediatrics and Medicine subspecialties match also causes hardship for individuals intending to train in combined Medicine and Pediatrics fellowships.
Read APCCMPD's Response