Removal of the PCCM/CCM ACGME Requirement for Additional Programs
Survey Results
The APCCMPD has been asked to respond to the ACGME's willingness to consider removing the following requirement:
CCM: “Located at the primary clinical site, there should be at least three ACGME-accredited subspecialty programs from the following disciplines: in cardiovascular disease, gastroenterology, infectious diseases, nephrology, or pulmonary disease.”
PCCM: “Located at the primary clinical site, there should be at least three ACGME accredited internal medicine subspecialty programs from the following disciplines: cardiovascular disease, gastroenterology, infectious diseases, nephrology, or pulmonary disease.”
Please note, that the requirement for the presence of other fellowship programs is unique only to CCM and PCCM, all other subspecialties in internal medicine require only certain core residency programs at the sponsoring site, but not fellowships.
Are you in favor of the ACGME removing this requirement (listed above) for CCM (PCCM)?
Survey Responses
PCCM- Sent to TPDs at 141 ACGME accredited PCCM Programs.
September 2014
December 2014
Response Rate
66 (47%)
92 (65.2%)
38 (58%)
52 (56.5%)
27 (41%)
32 (34.8%)
I don't know
1 (1%)
8 (8.7%)