2024 APCCMPD Leadership
Call for Nominations

Abstract Award Review Committee

NOMINATION DEADLINE: September 16, 2024

The Association of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Program Directors (APCCMPD) is now accepting nominations for volunteer positions on the Abstract Award Review Committee.

Committee Charge

The Abstract Award Review Committee convene annually to review abstracts submitted for the APCCMPD Award for Medical Education Research and the APCCMPD Award for Novel Fellowship Education Implementation. Their role is crucial in evaluating the abstracts submitted for the awards and recommending the most deserving abstract to the APCCMPD BOD for approval.

Roles and Responsibilities

The Abstract Award Review Committee will consider abstracts submitted for the APCCMPD Award for Medical Education Research and the APCCMPD Award for Novel Fellowship Education Implementation

  • Evaluate abstracts submitted for each award category to ensure to recommend the most deserving abstract to the APCCMPD BOD for approval.
  • Make necessary revisions to the Award Call for Abstracts to ensure requirements align with the goals of the award.

Composition and Terms

  • The Abstract Award Review Committee shall have no fewer than 3 members-at-large. Each member shall be a current or former Program Director, Associate Program Director, or serve as faculty from within an APCCMPD Member Program.
  • One Fellow will be appointed from the FWG to serve on the Abstract Award Review Committee.
  • Abstract Award Review Committee members are eligible for reappointment annually for up to four terms. 
  • The Chair shall serve a two-year term independent from any term served as a member of the Committee for a total of one term. The Chair serves as a liaison between the full committee and BOD.
  • The Immediate Past Chair can serve in an ex-officio capacity for two years.
  • The BOD will initially appoint a Chair. Once convened, the Chair will recommend the Vice-Chair from among committee members who have served for at least one year. At the termination of the Chair’s term, the Vice-Chair shall assume the position of Chair, pending approval of the BOD.
  • In the Chair’s absence, the Vice-Chair will serve as Chair.

Eligibility Criteria for the Position of Abstract Award Review Committee Member

  • All applicants must be a current or former Program Director, Associate Program Director, or serve as Faculty within a graduate or undergraduate medicine program.
  • All members must be from a current member program of the APCCMPD.

Attendance and Participation Policy

  • The Abstract Award Review committee will meet by conference call once every fall. 
  • Applicants should have, and be willing to, spend at least 3-4 hours during the month of November to review submitted abstracts. 

Nomination Process

Abstract Award Review Committee vacancies shall be filled in the following manner:

  • In each election year, a Call for Abstract Award Review Committee Nominations will be sent to all active members of the APCCMPD.
  • The Chair and Vice-Chair shall review all committee members to ensure they meet the qualifications.
  • The sitting members of the Abstract Award Review shall vote on the eligible applicants. Those with the highest number of votes shall be selected for nomination. If a tie vote occurs for the last member of the committee, the Chair may cast the deciding vote. Final appointments to the committee will be made by the APCCMPD BOD.

Required Nomination Material to be Submitted for the Abstract Award Review Committee

  • Up-to-date Biosketch or CV
  • Completed Online Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form (view APCCMPD Leadership COI Policy)
  • Statement of Commitment and Purpose describing their:
    • Purpose for why they want to serve on the APCCMPD Abstract Review Committee.
    • Statement of willingness to participate in one conference call each year and spend up to 3-4 hours during the month of November reviewing abstracts. 

Submit Your Online Nomination


Deadline for Nomination Submissions

September 16, 2024
New Appointment Term Begins November 1, 2024