2025 APCCMPD Leadership
Call for Nominations

Voices in #MedEd Associate Blog Editor


The Association of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Program Directors (APCCMPD) is now accepting nominations for volunteer positions as Associate Blog Editor (ABE) for the Voices in #MedEd blog.

Value Statement

With the launch of APCCMPDscholars the APCCMPD features blog posts from professionals in various fields of medical education called Voices in #MedEd. The intention of the blog is to provide medical educators, including program coordinators, with practical tips and ideas from other professionals, which can then be implemented into practice. Providing a peer-review to blog articles allows an author the ability to include the article on their CV as a scholarly activity.  

Editorial Charge

The Associate Blog Editors (ABE) will review, curate, and disseminate peer-reviewed blog posts on APCCMPDScholars. They will ensure that the content of the APCCMPD Voices in #MedEd blog is closely aligned with the APCCMPD Education Committee’s strategic priorities and is responsive to the diverse needs and capabilities of APCCMPD members.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Assess membership interest and needs regarding blog topics.
  • Assign blog topics to potential authors.
  • Review blog posts submitted for peer-review in a timely fashion.
  • Report to the APCCMPD’s Education Committee on status of Voices in #MedEd blog.


When fully constituted, there will be no fewer than five ABE’s from APCCMPD’s members-at-large. Each ABE shall be a current or former Training Program Director, Associate Program Director, or serve as Faculty, Fellow or staff within an APCCMPD member program. Fellows are encouraged to apply. 

Once constituted, vacant seats shall be filled by a nomination process from within the APCCMPD membership

ABE Members: shall serve a 1-year term and be eligible for annual reappointment of up to three additional 1-year terms, for a total of four years. ABE members will be notified, in writing, of completion of their service to the committee.

Editor-in-Chiefshall serve an initial 1-year term independent from any term served as a member of the ABE. The Editor-in-Chief must also be a member of APCCMPD’s Education Committee. The Editor-in-Chief is eligible for annual reappointment for  three additional 1-year terms, for a total of four years, pending the approval of the Education Committee and APCCMPD Board of Directors. The Editor-in-Chief serves as a liaison between the ABE’s and the Education Committee. The Editor-in-Chief shall report to the Education Committee on status of the Voices in #MedEd blog.

Vice-Editor-in-Chief: Once convened, an ABE member who has served for at least one year shall be suggested by the Editor-in-Chief to be the Vice-Editor-in-Chief. At termination of the Editor-in-Chief’s term, the Vice-Editor-in-Chief shall assume the position of Editor-in-Chief, pending approval of the Education Committee and Board of Directors. In the Editor-in-Chief’s absence, the Vice-Editor-in-Chief will serve as Editor-in-Chief.

Immediate Past Editor-in-Chief: can serve in an Ex-officio capacity for two years.

Eligibility Criteria for the Position of Associate Blog Editor

  • All interested candidates should be a current or former Training Program Director, Associate Program Director, or serve as Faculty, Fellow or staff within an APCCMPD member program.

Attendance and Participation Policy

  • The ABE meetings will be held, as needed, on a quarterly basis by conference call.
  • Applicants should be willing to, spend at least 1-2 hours/month participating in committee work.
  • ABE members will be expected to attend two-thirds of the scheduled meetings each year and respond to the majority of all requests to review a blog article.
  • ABE members will be expected to provide peer-reviews of submitted blogs in a timely fashion.
  • If an ABE member is unable to participate in a scheduled meeting or provide a blog peer-review in a timely fashion, they are expected to notify APCCMPD staff as soon as possible.
  • If an ABE member does not respond to APCCMPD staff’s request to review two or more blog articles, or does not participate in two-thirds of the scheduled meetings, the Editor-in-Chief will contact the ABE member directly to discuss resolutions to satisfy their responsibilities. If the ABE member continues to fail to meet the attendance or participation requirements, they may be asked to step down as ABE at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief. 

Nomination Process

Associate Blog Editor vacancies shall be filled in the following manner:

  • In each election year, a Call for Associate Blog Editor Nominations will be sent to all active members of the APCCMPD.
  • The Editor-in-Chief and Vice-Editor-in-Chief shall review all potential ABE’s to ensure they meet qualifications.
  • The current ABE’s shall vote on the eligible applicants. Those with the highest number of votes shall be recommended for nomination. Final ABE appointments will be recommended by the Editor-in-Chief to the Education Committee. The Education Committee will make a final recommendation to the APCCMPD Board of Directors.

Required Nomination Material to be Submitted for the Position of Associate Blog Editor

  • Up-to-date Biosketch or CV
  • Completed Online Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form (view APCCMPD Leadership COI Policy)
  • Statement of Commitment and Purpose describing their:
    • History of work in GME as related to the required qualifications.
    • Commitment to the goals of the APCCMPD.
    • Statement of willingness to participate in all face-to-face meetings and spend up to 1-2 hours/month on committee work.

Submit Your Online Nomination


Deadline for Nomination Submissions

March 31, 2025
New Appointment Term Begins July 1, 2025